Collect the art you connect with
My collectors often tell me they feel something stir within when they look at my art.
The feeling of truly connecting with a piece of art is hard to describe but once you do, you'll never forget it.
When I paint, I create from a state of flow, tapping into a deeper state of being that, once on the canvas, resonates with others who are open to it.
Start here to view my gallery of available abstract and landscape art and reach out if you'd like to arrange a studio viewing.

Not sure what to look for in abstract art?
There's a LOT of art out there to choose from. So, how do you know where to start?
I can help you with that.
Understanding what to look for in abstract art makes a world of difference.
Lucky for you, I've put together some free guides to get you started.
Get my 'Top 5 Tips for What Makes Great Abstract Art' and 'Where To Find It' Guides for a few straight forward pointers before you make your next purchase.
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